Sunday, July 27, 2014

The blessings of 10 minutes

Person 1: why do you always take the difficult path and land up suffering
Person 2: why do you assume I see 2 paths…..

So simple yet so profound. Awareness is a gift . just to see what seems simple, clear, basic ,logical  and right in front of you takes years and sometimes decades . what was all this while right there , screaming at your face , you did not notice cos you were all over the world doing what everyone does to keep themselves busy . just to avoid hearing ourselves we will keep running from here to the end of the world, holidaying , partying, relationships, movies , music, lunches , dinners ,gossips , the internet etc… we want to know the world ,amaze and amuse the world with our talents and success , but how much do we know ourselves. (well Medidate!!)

“Men have lost it! , when I am in a relationship I will be loyal and loving and give my 100% to the relationship” not even a year into one and you are either a victim or cheating or blaming the other person or well moved on to the next one. Why does this happen , cos we actually ,truly don’t know or understand ourselves. We always have an idea of how we will act in situations ,I will be a better boss, a better spouse, a better parent… but we mostly land up doing what everyone else has done around us maybe with different intensity and we have enough lies to tell ourselves to justify our behaviour cos well ‘how can I be wrong’.Total and utter chaos !!

10 minutes if you sit for 10 minutes everyday with your eyes closed ,watching your thoughts , your reactions to the days events you will slowly be able to distance yourself from this chaos and SEE, see yourself how you do things that YOU actually don’t wanna do .you are doing it for all wrong reasons. You will see that its all you, and nobody else, people mirror what is inside you so you will see only who you are in other people as well. Well this is easier said then done cos the most difficult thing in life is to face yourself , raw ,without any associations ,stimulations, and gratifications. This to me seems a great place to begin with cos each persons journey will guide them from these 10 minutes to where ever they are meant to go in this life time.