Saturday, March 8, 2014


Well this is one word or sentiment which has lost its meaning in todays world. Where no one ever stops and enjoys what they have achieved or acquired , cos we are all racing to reach some place, some place bigger someplace better . there is a constant feeling of inadequacy as some one has more than us and we cant be happy till we reach there but the moment we do we find someone else having something better, that we now want.

Well we cant be blamed as we have been put into a world and society which has pre defied rules for happiness. Women have to look a certain way ,act a certain way to deserve happiness, men  have to be ‘somebody’ to deserve respect and be called a ‘man’. How can one feel that you have enough ? well hence no gratitude!!

I suggest ,one day when you are calm ,peaceful and alone take a piece of pen and paper and write down the things you are grateful for. Trust me you will be surprised. They say that if you open the tap at your home and have running water you are one of the 10% people in the world who have this facility. Have you ever given a thought to this fact? Have you ever thought that access to good food, clean water, a house, medical facilities, education and a family is what majority of this world struggles for . anyways coming back to that piece of paper in your hand, write down all the things that this universe has provided you with since the time you were born and I promise you by the end of the list you will be overwhelmed at how much you have been given, loved and how special you are. Not today ,do it some day when you are happy and want to say a thank you and feel GRATITUDE for what you have received. Not today, do it some day when you are sad and miserable about something you lost that you think you deserved and see the GRATITUDE flow……

1 comment:

  1. Well said...btw as always thanks Sonia for showing us d path of yoga..just a beginner n a very long way to go
